Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Trial Garage Band Opening Theme

Today we looked at how music is a major influence in films in general and then saw how much was lacking in a mute thriller opening, Identity.

In garage band we made our own opening theme for the film opening and added non-diegetic sounds that matched the mood of the film and tension, and then had diegetic sounds of the outside world which was raining. We managed to make 1: 50 seconds of music for the opening.

The aim of the soundtrack is to build tension and suspense within the scene whilst fitting in with the diegetic sounds. The any dialogue in the soundtrack helps tell the audience about the plot of the film.

We had to make our own soundtrack in garage band to go to the opening scene of Identity, we used mostly non-diegetic sounds this is the actual music that supports the scene by creating tension or suspense. Our soundtrack was simple but effective in creating an erie and tense atmosphere.
Unfortunately we didn't get to add any diegetic sounds in like the thunder or rain as we couldn't find the right noises, in the time given.

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